Arrangement of Sacrificial Animals for Muslims in Villages 2023 – عید الاضحیٰ (Nizamabad)

عید الاضحیٰ کے موقع پر تحفظ ختم نبوت ٹرسٹ کی جانب سے دور دراز دیہات میں مقیم غریب خاندانوں میں گوشت تقسیم کیا گیا

On the occasion of the Eid Al Adha, Tahafuze Khatme Nubuwat trust, Nizamabad, distributed meat to the poor families living in remote villages

Tahafuze Khatme Nubuwat Trust Eid meat distribution aims to assist and support the poor, reaching the needy and assisting those affected by hard living circumstances. Tahafuze Khatme Nubuwat Trust’s distinguished role and mission is to alleviate suffering and improve the quality of lives of vulnerable people living in remote Villages. The beneficiaries of this project included men, women, children, and elderly people who lived in the Villages. The children go around cities and do small tasks like shining shoes, washing cars, garbage collection, and washing dishes at restaurants and they are not aware of Islamic Education to buy food and important basic needs.

Metpally – مٹ پلی

Nandipet – نندی پیٹ سنٹر

Bheemgal – بھیم گل سنٹر